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Mes Europeo de la Diversidad

Mes Europeo de la Diversidad

  M𝐚𝐲𝐨 es el Mes Europeo de la Diversidad. ¡Celebra la diversidad con intercultures España & LATAM!  ¡Aprende a crear entornos inclusivos y conecta con personas diversas en nuestro Lunch & Learn con diversophy®.   Nos sumamos a esta iniciativa de la 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐢ó𝐧...

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Intercultural Competence in Healthcare

Intercultural Competence in Healthcare

Have you ever received medical care abroad and encountered communication challenges or even misunderstandings? Or have you ever faced challenges when trying to provide medical care to someone who couldn’t understand you? In cross-cultural communication in healthcare,...

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Make the world a better place of learning!

Make the world a better place of learning!

Make the world a better place of learning!  Wherever, whenever: 29 e-learnings for 29 target cultures, from the Arab world to Vietnam, each about an hour and a half of learning time, written by the best possible international authors, with gaming aspects, chat...

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