+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

intercultures Experts Meeting in Sofia

The first gathering of intercultures experts took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on April 24th. On the eve of the opening of SIETAR Europa’s congress, the Berlin Coordination Team quintet, including recently returned intern Mirella Simeonova, welcomed 15 of our trainers in the informal atmosphere of a traditional Bulgarian restaurant.

At intervals dispersed throughout the course of a relaxed evening, each specialist shared a personal gem in a multimedia visualization depicting a pivotal incident in his or her professional development. Poignant or humorous, moving or poetic, each short presentation provided unique insights into each others’ experiences and fuel for lively exchanges.

SIETAR Europa Congress 2007

The SIETAR Europa Congress was again an excellent opportunity to strengthen and establish important new contacts, and benefit from the know-how of renowned experts in the intercultural field through a variety of workshops, seminars and presentations.


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Picture Credit: Stefan Meister.