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The intercultures family is coming together

The second intercultures experts meeting in Bonn on February 29th was a wonderful experience for all 18 participants. Some had to travel from as close by as Bonn ( Fetlework Seifu, some from as far away as Tokyo, Joseph Shaules).

Indicative for the pronounced diversity of intercultures was the wide range of national cultural backgrounds represented at the meeting: Brazil, Ethiopia, South-Korea, USA/Japan, China, Bulgaria, Egypt/Germany, Malaysia, Namibia/Germany, India, Romania/Hungary, plus Germany.

Apart from setting perspectives and discussing projects for 2008 and beyond, it was traditional story-sharing time when those new to the intercultures experts meeting disclosed decisive moments in their careers that had a strong influence on who they became as trainers, consultants, and individuals. Those present were so moved by the gems shared that an internal publication was suggested.


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Picture Credit Title Picture: Stefan Meister.