+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

The International Profiler

In a joint effort, London-based WorldWork together with intercultures held a two day licensing event in Berlin for The International Profiler (TIP) in October.

TIP is a psychometric tool aimed at individuals who need to build adaptive skills for working in a multi-national environment. They may wish to review their present international experience and expand the skills they bring to a task. They may have a present or imminent need to transfer their technical and managerial skills more extensively into the international arena.

WorldWork’s workshop trainer was David Trickey, one of the original developers of the tool. WorldWork has identified 10 key competencies covering 22 different factors broken down into 80 items which enable people to become rapidly effective in unfamiliar cultural settings. These are based on current research and the practical experience of people operating internationally.

Taking the First Step

The nine trainers Isabelle Demangeat, Yan Xiong, Claude Hélène-Mayer (Dr. Ph.D.), Adrienne Rubatos, Christoph Barmeyer (Prof. Ph.D.), Sujata Banerjee, Aksana Kavalchuk (Ph.D.), Heike Birke, and Gunnar Brückner took their first steps in the licensing process which will culminate with coaching sessions with clients towards the end of the year.

intercultures is already using TIP in some expatriate preparation trainings and has also successfully implemented it in repatriation workshops. With now more than 14 of our trainers being licensed or coming up for licensing, we will start to include it on a wider scale in our training processes.

A new licensing session for further 10 of our consultants is being discussed for 2009.


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Picture Source: PEXELS (https://www.pexels.com).