+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

Valuable Exchange

How do you build a common identity when you are as far apart as Tokyo, Chennai, Tehran or Seattle? How do you grow together in learning and exchange when you rarely meet face-to-face?

23 intercultures consultants met on October 21st 2008 in Granada, Spain, in order to exchange views on training methods and share some of the exercises and instruments they have developed or successfully employed. The entire morning was devoted to the topic of international learning styles. Facilitated by Christoph Barmeyer, participants also examined their own profiles and discussed possible consequences in training scenarios.

A Common Understanding of Quality

Striving for a common understanding of quality in the field of intercultural competence development is a main theme at intercultures meetings, but we also look forward to meeting dear colleagues and enjoying the company of a team of world-class consultants. The day ended with a dinner in Carmen San Miguel. Nestled into the foothills of the Alhambra, the restaurant provided atmosphere and culinary delights for an unforgettable evening.


¡Será un placer entrar en contacto con usted!

Picture Credits: Stefan Meister.