+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

Cultures & Globalization

Over 800 participants gathered for the first Global SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Resarch) Congress ever. Under the guiding theme of »How globalization affects cultures & how cultures shape globalization« more than 200 workshops, seminars and lectures on a wide range of intercultural topics were offered in the course of four days.

Keynote speeches included a controversial adress to the plenary by an icon in the field, Toronto professor Nancy Adler, who offered the history of her family in Third Reich Austria as starting point to illustrate the opportunities and responsibilities of interculturalists to take a stand and make a difference in challenging times.

Apart from a wealth of topics to examine more deeply in the workshops, the congress brought a welcome opportunity to check base with our consultants and strengthen the network. An unprecedented 35 experts working with intercultures visited the event, proving once more how important a culture of learning together and being passionate about the development of the field is to them.


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Picture Credit: Stefan Meister.