+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

Turning Intercultural Challenges into Advantages

RWE Power is a company that takes intercultural competence development seriously and views it as an asset to the organization. While many might think that the Netherlands and Germany are culturally too close to bring intercultural challenges into a cross-border cooperation, RWE Power thought otherwise and invited intercultures to a series of trainings accompanying their construction of a new power plant.

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As Hilly van Swol-Ulbrich, our lead trainer in this project, stated in one of the trainings: »Dutch and Germans are close neighbors often standing back-to-back to each other«. Thanks to the diligence of RWE Power, small differences are not considered negligible, but add to the strength of the project.


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Picture Credit Title Picture: RWE Power, https://news.rwe.com/en/media-library/