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Why choose Jakarta?

intercultures’ consultant Lee Milstein recently moved from Bangkok to Jakarta. Lee Milstein, who has spent a lot of his life in Southeast Asia, is familiar with Indonesia thanks to an earlier long-term stay.

“Indonesia was always exciting. It is one of the largest markets on earth and also the largest Muslim nation”, he says. “I have the feeling that favorable conditions are coming together here and that there will be increasing work for interculturalists coming in.”

Jakarta is Welcoming Expats

Market analysts have started using the term BRICI – meaning the BRIC countries plus Indonesia.

Lee Milstein has already seen an increase in assignments. In February, he conducted several training sessions in the region for intercultures. Jakarta is welcoming a continually increasing number of expats – a sign that global companies no longer view Indonesia just from the outside. If you would like to delve deeper into the cultural mix of this megalopolis, we recommend reading “Jakarta Inside Out” by Daniel Ziv.

Incidentally, intercultures is very well placed when it comes to all things Indonesian. Apart from Lee Milstein, we have two more consultants with a focus on Indonesia at our disposal.


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Picture Credit Title Picture: Stefan Meister.