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Is intercultural competence necessary in the movie business?

When reading the credits of a movie nowadays it becomes obvious how international the movie business has become. Cast and production aside, this is also the case for movie financing, which frequently involves negotiations with international backers.

On this topic, the Erich Pommer Institute offered for the first time a three-day workshop, where specialists from the film industry were able to share their own international experience and receive subject-specific input from experts.

A priviledge for intercultures

intercultures had the privilege of taking part using an interactive presentation, during which it became clear that many of those working in movies are involved in their professional culture to such a degree that other cultural contexts are submerged. A similar phenomenon can be observed with people working in the financial sector,  or with software developers and athletes.

It is all the more attractive to work with these target groups in detail as it is here that competence development is finely nuanced. To learn more about the Erich Pommer Institute, please click here.

Did you know that intercultures offers intercultural media consulting? If you are interested, please contact us.


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Picture Credit Title Picture: Stefan Meister.