…just bring your curiosity! Starting immediately, intercultures is offering webinars for clients and interested parties on particularly exciting topics from the field of global competence development.

Attend the webinar from wherever you might be! (Photo: getty images; Digital Vision; Tim Hall)
What is a webinar? The process is similar to classroom training but takes place in a virtual room. Participants can attend in comfort from a PC or laptop. The team of moderators will guide you through the training content via video and participants can take part “live” via chat.
The topic in September is “Success Factors of Virtual Teams”. Experts Line Jehle und Dr. Marcus Hildebrandt will discuss the question: How can the performance of international teams be improved?
This question is one of the factors, which determines how globally competitive a company will be in the future. Thanks to our own research and more than ten years of experience working with virtual teams, intercultures has found some exciting answers. More information on the topic of virtual teams can be found here.
Participation in this webinar is free of charge. If you are curious and have time to join us on September 3, 2010, at 3 pm CET, we are looking forward to welcoming you.
interculture’s webinars take place every two months. Topics for the coming months are “Global Vision: Development and Implementation”, “Assessment of Intercultural Competencies”, “International Email Practice”, “Blended Learning in Global Competence Development” and “Diversity as a Competitive Advantage”. We also welcome suggestions for further topics.