+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

To meet the increasing demand of intercultures’ services in North America, we interviewed a selection of trainers and consultants in New York and Chicago. Both cities have traditionally been favourites for subsidiaries of German companies.

Welcoming 2 New Experts to the intercultures Family!

In New York, Marion Freimuth-Popovic and Jamie Gelbtuch were selected. While German Marion Freimuth-Popovic’s special focus is on German-American issues, Manhattan-born Jamie Gelbtuch offers global business skills as well as culture-specific training on Latin America, France and the US.

Meet Our Representative for Chicago

In future, Malii Brown will be representing Chicago on the intercultures map. She is not only able to offer impressive international experience but has also had a long career in the intercultural field. Malii’s focus is on US-specific and cross-cultural topics as much as on diversity and inclusion.

This increase in our North American’ competencies enables us to offer an even more flexible and sustainable response to customer enquiries.


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Picture Credit Title Picture: Stefan Meister.