+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

If you have…

  • Enjoyed Midor’s classically Swiss, chocolate-glazed biscuits and ice cream creations;
  • Been one of the 4.5 million passengers to ride the São Paulo Metro daily;
  • Used LTE and 4G[i] mobile technology for a faster, stronger Internet service on your smartphone or tablet—in Switzerland or beyond

Then, you have been connected through HUBER+SUHNER’s high-quality electrical and optical connections. We are not always aware about that which empowers the companies that power our day-to-day lives. Here is one report from the field that shares how intercultures swiss has supported HUBER+SUHNER to continue to achieve “Excellence in Connectivity Solutions.”

Connecting across cultures

HUBER+SUHNER, a Swiss global leader in solutions that connect people through everyday technologies, has hired intercultures swiss to help connect themselves across cultures. In partnership with intercultures swiss, the company has demonstrated an approach to intercultural competence development that is process-oriented, integrates with business needs and engages employees with fun.

Developing intercultural competences with fun

Last month, intercultures swiss facilitated a training on intercultural communication with a multinational group of HUBER+SUHNER engineers. The training was included as the culminating highlight of an employee technical seminar, interweaving intercultural competence development within their regular cycle of business. Participants attended from the company’s sites in Mexico, Brazil, China, India, Poland, Switzerland and Tunisia. Together, the group discussed local-specific business practices with their colleagues and evaluated daily work scenarios from different perspectives. As requested by HUBER+SUHNER and delivered by intercultures swiss, the twin goals of the training were to stimulate meaningful dialogue among participants about intercultural issues in their global cooperation—and have fun!

One session of the training was held outdoors on the beautiful, green hills of Appenzell, a region in the northeast of Switzerland. Participants both enjoyed the Swiss scenery and learned about one others’ cultures in a business context.

Overall, intercultures swiss’ work with HUBER+SUHNER was assessed to be an excellent, reflective beginning for an ongoing process of enhancing global business.

For more information on intercultures swiss, email Managing Director Irene Hotz or see the article, «Working with intercultures swiss: An Interview with Irene Hotz«.


¡Será un placer entrar en contacto con usted!

[i] LTE (Long Term Evolution) is the fourth-generation (4G) mobile technology for mobile voice and data communications that enables speeds up to 150 Mbps.

Photo credit: Irene Hotz with thanks to HUBER+SUHNER for their permission to use the photo.

The above article was included in the Oct. 2014 intercultures e-newsletter.