The Humor Profiler Project refers to humor as «the elephant in the room» not only because it’s an often obvious and avoided taboo, but also because the story of humor in international settings has been seen from different, limited angles—and not yet as one grand whole.
Participate in our humor research
As a follow up to our March 2015 announcement about the Humor Profiler Project, co-owned by Piotr Pluta of and Stefan Meister of intercultures, we offer an invitation to participate in their humor research and a progress update. Ten lucky research respondents will win free copies of the book, The Humor Code, by Peter McGraw and Joel Werner. Respondents thus far have reported the questionnaire to be an interesting personal reflection on their own humor styles.
A New Dimension in Cross-Cultural Consultancy
Funny guys Piotr and Stefan presented their investigation-in-progress about humor in international settings at the May 2015 SIETAR Europa Congress workshop entitled, «Introducing a New Dimension in Cross-Cultural Consultancy: Humor.» Their presentation included a business case for humor in the workplace; a selection of currently-availale research; and fun and games. Workshop participants discussed the definition of humor; country-specific and «glocal» humor created in shared Internet spaces; the influence of language and culture upon humor; differences in who can use what kind of humor; what dimensions may be missing from the initial design of the Humor Profiler, and more. It is anticipated that a functional Humor Profiler tool will be developed from the project in the future and become available to the public.