[i] A third culture kid (TCK) is a young person or individual raised in a culture other than their parents’ for a significant part of their early development years, and exposed to a great variety of cultural influences.
[ii] Virtual Closenes is a term coined by Line Jehle, Dr. Marcus Hildebrandt and intercultures’ own, Stefan Mesiter, in their book, Closeness at a Distance: Leading Virtual Groups to High Performance. In the book, Virtual Closeness is said to describe, «the perceived closeness between two or more group members and their perceived closeness to the context and space wherein they interact after a period of little or no face-to-face contact.”
[iii] Since established in 2001, intercultures has intentionally maintained a back office staffed by a minimum of 70% team members of bi-cultural or non-German origin.
Photo credit for title photo of Raina Müller-Bornemann: Stefan Meister.
Source of Partial map of African continent: Google Maps.
The above article was included in our Nov. 2016 intercultures e-newsletter.