+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

Diversity is a Resource

In Spain, Diversity and Inclusion has been a hot topic among global HR professionals in the last two decades, and gained importance over the last few years. It is often the case that the gender and ethnic diversity of Spanish society are not reflected in the workforce in Spain, especially at the management level. There is much work to be done by such companies if they want to fully understand the needs of the 48.5 million potential customers living in Spain, and maximize the diversity of their labor pool as a source of innovation and competitive advantage.

Keeping the Balance in Increased Complexity

Researchers at the Observatory of Spanish Multinational Companies (established by ESADE, the well-respected Spanish Business School), have stated that, “when Spanish companies decide to take their first international steps, they are faced with the major paradox of balancing their need for resources with [their need] to review their management model in order to adapt to the increased complexity of carrying out operations abroad.”

Working Successfully Globally…

Internationalization demands a new set of competencies such as global and digital skills for leading virtual and multicultural teams efficiently. Some leaders might feel obligated to step beyond their comfort zone when managing people with mindsets different than their own. Worst case scenario: Career derailment becomes the consequence of being ill-prepared to work globally.

With the Right Competencies

Far from being impossible, managing in hyper-complexity can be achieved through the development of the right competencies, and with the use of innovative tools. It is at this point that expertise like intercultures’ can support Spanish companies to achieve increased business benefit.

Saludos desde intercultures España!

Greetings from intercultures Spain! In January of this year, Anna Zelno returned to intercultures España, where she will continue to serve the Spanish market—and intercultures customers working with Spain. She will manage training and consulting services for intercultures España, and is responsible for business development.

The intercultures España Team

In addition to her significant experience in designing Diversity & Inclusion strategies within Spanish business contexts, Anna has a wealth of experience developing solutions for multicultural and virtual teams.

Anna Zelno is joined by a team including Jean-David Koussigan, Key Account Manager, and Marcela Vergueiro, Product Manager.

Prepared for Future Challenges

From Madrid to Barcelona to Valencia, one challenge faced by Anna, her team and their network of experienced intercultures consultants, is that of re-framing global working for leaders of Spanish companies in terms that resonate with traditional culture. As more and more Spanish companies expand abroad, the pace of intercultural awareness and global competencies must advance ahead of international pursuits in order to optimize the benefit of branching out.

Contact Anna Zelno at Anna.Zelno@www.www.intercultures.de for inquiries regarding intercultures España.


¡Será un placer entrar en contacto con usted!

The above article was included in our June 2017 Quarterly intercultures E-Newsletter.

Photo Credit Title Photo «Anna Zelno, intercultures España»: Anna Zelno.