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Have you ever… ?

Irene Hotz, Managing Director of intercultures swiss (title picture), has a question for you:

Have you ever considered how the link between national and organizational cultures impacts a company’s financial performance?

This question is at the core of one project within intercultures swiss’ current work portfolio. The project is carried out in cooperation with Denison, an organizational consulting firm, under the leadership of the University of Applied Sciences at St.Gallen, Switzerland.

Exploring National and Organizational Cultures

Participating global organizations include Novartis (global healthcare), LafargeHolcim (global manufacturer of building materials) and Bühler Group (global supplier of food processing equipment). In this project, all three Switzerland-based companies are actively exploring comparisons between Swiss and Russian national and organizational cultures. Coordination is made cooperatively between Switzerland and Russia.

The Results

Preliminary results identify trends of a changing society in Russia, and differences in culture-based behavior of people working in international organizations. Final insights will be available once research data is collected and analyzed. The project is scheduled to run until October 2017.

Expect more news in the next edition of intercultures’ e-newsletter. Until then, contact Irene Hotz at Irene.Hotz@intercultures.ch with inquiries related to interculures swiss.


¡Será un placer entrar en contacto con usted!

The above article was includes in our June 2017 intercultures E-Newsletter.

Picture Credit Title Picture: Irene Hotz.