What Brings You to the Field of International Competence Development?
On the one hand, my personal journey – I’ve lived and worked in several countries and have an academic background in Applied Linguistic and Cultural Studies. Additionally, during my professional experience I’ve been developing leadership consultancy projects for multinational companies and public administration. In addition, I’m completely passionate about different cultures and working with people of diverse backgrounds.
How Might intercultures’ Customers Find You Unique?
For a combination of hard and soft skills. I’m an expert in intercultural competence, diversity, talent management and global leadership. I’ve been working with and within virtual teams for years and have some good practice to share in this area. I had the opportunity to work on complex assignments for different global companies. Moreover, I have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to create and maintain solid relationships with different stakeholders. Finally, in order to deeply understand my client’s needs, I dare to ask difficult questions to put everything in context.
What Do You Like About Working With intercultures?
Its business culture and values. intercultures has an open communication style and is constantly providing feedback to its stakeholders. Moreover, I appreciate working in a network, the diversity of its consultants, as well as the contribution intercultures’ consultants bring into the field in form of new tools and solutions.
In a Global Context – Why Do You Think is Your Work – and Our Work Together Important?
We live in a world where open-mindedness seems to be a scarce resource. For that reason diversity awareness and intercultural competence are extremely important to create an inclusive environment and succeed both in professional and personal life. Our work helps people to interact better, build deeper relationships and do business in a more sustainable way.
What is the Special Market Situation in Spain?
Even though more and more Spanish companies are expanding abroad, the field of cross-cultural consulting in Spain is still not mature and well developed. Many Spanish companies have still very homogeneous and globally unexperienced teams, which can slow down the company’s growth abroad. There is a need to generate more intercultural awareness and develop global competences. For that reason, I see a strong opportunity in developing the market and make its internationalization process more efficient.