What brings you to the field of international competence development?
I grew up different from my peers; encountered the pain and advantages of existing as different; and developed an affinity towards the variety of people among a given whole. Having followed my interests in culture through academic and professional choices, I happened upon the field of intercultural competence development. In this space, I’m grateful to be able to be curious, creatively problem-solve and facilitate increased insight and skill in making the most of real and perceived differences between us.
How might intercultures’ customers find you unique?
While my personal identities intersect at the place at which Gen Y, womanist, Black and U.S. American experiences meet, it is not this unique profile that is the substance of my professional value. I think that intercultures’ customers might—and have—found me unique for the balance of structure and flow, formality and fun, and diplomacy and directness that characterize my training and facilitation styles.
What do you like about working with intercultures?
Simply stated, what I like most about working with intercultures is that I’m working with people who I like and trust, and who like and trust me. As a close second, there’s a sense of fellowship between intercultures consultants where ever we meet around the globe.
In a global context – why do you think is your work – and our work together important?
It’s sometimes difficult to know cognitively what I feel to be true. What I feel is that our work is important because people need one another.
What is the special market situation in the USA?
In the U.S., the primary business driver for intercultural competence development is to increase financial profit and decrease financial liability. Generally, there is greater reception to cultural competence development on a global level than at the level of U.S. domestic relations—despite the fact that they are inextricably linked. While select corporations invest significant sums into intercultural competence development training, there is yet to exist a demand on the part of customers for reliable ROI measures.